Teaching Racial Literacy: Reflective Practices for Critical Writing (Rowman & Littlefield, 2018)
"With the publication of Challenging Antisemitism, never again can educators say they did not know how antisemitism is woven into the fabric of education; never again can they say they do not know how to rend its invisibility; never again can they say that the pursuit of social justice in education can eschew challenging antisemitism." — David Bloome, Professor Emeritus, The Ohio State University
"This collection from Grayson and Benchimol could not be more timely... Whether or not you are a Jewish educator or teach Jewish students, this is a necessary read for anyone interested in DEI work. — Liz Kleinrock, Nationally Recognized Antibias and Antiracist Educator
"The authors successfully balance interrogating systems... alongside individual habits that perpetuate violence, even in spaces focused on social justice." - Lauren N. Irwin, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
"...An invaluable call to critical reflection and action..." - Amanda Kibler, Oregon State University
Antisemitism and the White Supremacist Imaginary: Conflations and Contradictions in Composition and Rhetoric (Peter Lang, 2023)
The Gendered Transaction of Whiteness: White Women in Educational Spaces (Palgrave, 2023)
Race Talk in the Age of the Trigger Warning: Recognizing and Challenging Classroom Cultures of Silence (Rowman & Littlefield, 2020)
Challenging Antisemitism; Lessons from Literacy Classrooms (Rowman & Littlefield, 2023)
"Grayson’s theoretical framework, historical overview, personal anecdotes, and phenomenological research locate antisemitism nestled in the heart of the white supremacist imaginary... Her words also charge me, explicitly in my Jewishness, with the urgent need to join others in imagining a more just world through cooperative action and frank dialogue." —Eli Goldblatt, Co-Author, with David Jolliffe, of Literacy as Conversation: Learning Networks in Urban and Rural Communities
"In this timely and important monograph, Dr. Grayson adroitly explains the impact of antisemitism not only for rhetoric, composition, and writing scholars and students but also our contemporary moment. In lucid and engaging prose, she unpacks thousands of years of history and tropes, making this book a must-read for anyone engaged in antiracist work." —Janice W. Fernheimer, Zantker Professor of Jewish Studies, Professor of Writing, Rhetoric, and Digital Studies, University of Kentucky
"In prose that is both elegant and accessible, Grayson argues for equitable, trauma-informed pedagogical practice... Theoretically grounded and eminently pragmatic, Grayson offers her readers a way to move that we can learn, use, and build upon as we work to create and sustain equitable writing classrooms." — Frankie Condon, associate professor, department of English language and literature, University of Waterloo
"We welcome Dr. Mara Lee Grayson’s book that exposes and composes, explains, explores and expands our thinking about social, political, racial, cultural and gender issues that influence what and how we teach." — Anna J. Small Roseboro, National Board Certified Teacher, author, mentor, and coach